News & Events | Bruce Gubnitsky

News & Events

Today’s News February 21, 2017

– NAHB: Home affordability favorable but at eight-year low When comparing home prices and local incomes, Fla. has the U.S.’s 46th most affordable city (Homosassa Springs) and the 15th least affordable city (Miami metro). Can U.S. approve more mortgages without more risk? CFPB, the nation’s consumer bureau, hopes to...

Today’s News February 20, 2017

– With FHA rate cut suspended, what comes next? No one knows, but lower fees often draw people in while higher fees drive them away. One suggested change so far: A 5% minimum downpayment for second-time buyers. Realtors: Did you receive a referral or a computer virus? A click...

Today’s News February 17, 2017

– Fannie, Freddie a taxpayer cash cow for now: $10B sent to Treasury The government-owned enterprises that back mortgages are a hot topic and risky venture for taxpayers, but they’re also a big U.S. Treasury money-maker right now. U.S. Consumer watchdog gets a reprieve An Oct. court order restricting...

Today’s News February 15, 2017

– More people want to be Fla. real estate agents In 2005, 45,000 people passed Fla.’s real estate licensing exam; by 2008, the number plunged to 8,598 before bouncing back. By 2016, 27,926 people passed the exam, and Fla. now has 250,000 real estate licensees. Did TRID work? 50%...

Today’s News February 14, 2017

– How will immigration reform impact Fla.? It’s unclear how immigration rules will change, but WalletHub analyzed data to gauge its impact. Overall, Fla. ranked 13th – but 4th in foreign-born residents. This Fed action could send mortgage rates higher To boost housing during the Great Recession, the Federal...

Today’s News February 13, 2017

– Buying, selling or renovating? Pets’ opinions count NAR study found that 81% of Americans consider their pets’ needs before agreeing to any kind of home renovation, and 99% consider their pet part of the family. Court rules against Zillow for photo copyright use A jury ruled that Zillow...

Today’s News February 9, 2017

– Lenders may soon reject some Fla. property insurers Fannie and Freddie decide which insurance companies are okay, but they may soon delete a few from Fla. lists, which would force 250K owners to find a new insurer. NAR: Gains in 4Q push home prices to peak levels in...

Today’s News February 8, 2017

– Court trial: Photos, copyrights and contracts Brokers who pay for copyrighted photos should read contract terms, says NAR, because a court will soon determine Zillow’s legal-use rights after a listing expires. Florida Realtors’ web tool shows impact if property tax cap expires Nearly 700K Floridians would pay higher...

Today’s News February 7, 2017

– Changes loom for U.S. consumer watchdog bureau The CFPB, which oversees RESPA, will likely change from semi-independent director oversight to a bipartisan board; and Congress could start setting CFPB’s budget. andmdash Housing forecast? Solid but many unknown variables While real estate appears solid now, Freddie warns of “uncertainty...

Today’s News February 3, 2017

– Fla. homebuyers 11 years older than the U.S. average The 2016 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers Florida Report from NAR finds that 50% of state shoppers contacted an agent first when it was time to buy; nationally, only 17% start with a Realtor, and many begin the...