News & Events | Bruce Gubnitsky

News & Events

Today’s News December 4, 2017

– NAR says Senate tax package 'bad news for homeowners' The Senate version must now be reconciled with the House version. NAR says the package nullifies ownership savings and will lower home values more than 10%. Federal flood insurance expires again on Friday Does one of your transactions require...

Today’s News November 30, 2017

– FREC close to creating team advertising rules On Wed., Dec. 20, the Florida Real Estate Commission (FREC) will discuss – and perhaps approve – new team-advertising rules for Fla. licensees during its monthly meeting. The latest version of the proposed rule is posted on 2017 hurricane season has...

Today’s News November 29, 2017

– 2018 forecast: Higher inventory and slower price gains predicts buyers will gain a foothold in the market next year. It ranks the Daytona Beach area No. 3 nationwide for expected overall price and sales growth, and it ranks all Fla. metros in at least the top third...

Today’s News November 28, 2017

– What will happen to Dodd-Frank rule enforcement? The CFPB has issued real estate consumer rules more than once, but its future is now unclear as the current director steps down amid a fight for his replacement. What's on the line as Senate eyes tax reform? NAR says the...

Today’s News November 27, 2017

– Flood insurance splits Congress as Dec. 8 expiration looms Lawmakers focused on flood insurance and moved closer to agreement, but as time draws down, more observers expect another delay rather than major policy changes. USF: What do buyers dislike about a neighborhood? The 2017 Sunshine State Survey asked...

Today’s News November 22, 2017

– 7 habits of highly effective real estate agents Some of the seven habits of highly effective real estate pros include expanding their network, staying top-of-mind with leads and generating referrals. Florida Realtors gives thanks On Thursday and Friday, Florida Realtors’ offices will be closed for Thanksgiving. Florida Realtors...

Today’s News November 20, 2017

– Escrow scams have grown by $950M in 2017 Technology has made real estate transactions quicker and more vulnerable to hackers and escrow scams. Tech security training, policies can help reduce the risks. Tips to prepare your budget before buying a home Income and expenses should be reviewed before...

Today’s News November 16, 2017

– Mortgage rates hit 3.95% – a four-month high Last week the 30-year fixed-rate averaged 3.90%. One year ago, it was virtually the same rate as today when it averaged 3.94%. What to do with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? Fannie and Freddie could drag the U.S. into a...

Today’s News November 15, 2017

– To avoid taxes, you can't sell your home for five years What if you couldn’t afford to sell a home for at least five years? That rule – part of current tax reform efforts – could change the way homeowners behave. House passes bill to renew flood insurance...

Today’s News November 13, 2017

– Flood insurance bill moving forward in Congress A deal isn’t close, but the House had a hearing Monday on a compromise bill that could break a months-long deadlock over the National Flood Insurance Program. Mortgage bankers like homeownership tax credits While NAR focuses its tax-reform lobbying efforts on...