Blog | Bruce Gubnitsky


Clonidine is typically

Clonidine is typically a high blood pressure medication. It acts to lower blood pressure by decreasing the levels of certain chemicals in your blood, allowing your blood vessels to relax and your heart to beat more easily.Researchers at the New Jersey Medical School looked at over twenty years of...

He could at least get into it

He could at least get into it. Sneer or smile, or enjoy the rare moment to boot stomp some liberal campus faces. But no, he’s just doing a job. Monsieur Fergant, the visitor, hearing these last oakley straight jacket polarized words, politely stepped forward to echo them. Burned arsenic,...

With so many squatly built

With so many squatly built hookers around old pals Gatland and Jones played in the position, and Hartley, Rory Best and Guilhem Guirado have succeeded Robshaw, Paul O’Connell and Thierry Dusautoir as skippers of England, Ireland and France respectively the Six Nations reads like a script for The Big...

I grew up watching

I grew up watching “the second generation” of Challengers names like Diem Brown, Johnny Devenanzio, Evelyn Smith, and Kenny Santucci come to mind. They were only a few years into their challenges, and they were champions. They knew how to play the game using their combined smarts, how to...

As Louisiana classroom teacher

As Louisiana classroom teacher and blogger Mercedes Schneider reported from her site, RSD schools perform poorly on the state A F grading system. Has no A schools and very few B schools. In fact, almost the entire RSD which was already approx 90 percent charters qualifies as a district...

Approximately five years ago

Approximately five years ago, the section of beam was removed from Ground Zero to rest outside a neighborhood Catholic Church. That was around the same time that construction began for the 9/11 Memorial and Museum. Recently, with the museum nearing completion for its opening in 2012, the WTC cross...

We have had

We have had a “seasonable weather” day which means sharp frost fog never a smich [smidge?] of sun. I went to church with 2 of my battalions in an enormous factory room after lunch took down to the N. Staffords in my old trenches at Rue du Bois Mother’s...

Step down voltage converters

Step down voltage converters are used for stepping down UK’s 220 V outlets to that of 110 V (US outlets). This can be easily achieved by finding the right wall adapter. These can be found at local electronic stores and online and come in variety of prongs for world...

which they can call in emergency

All registrants receive membership cards and a toll free number which they can call in emergency. The parent also calls the MobilEye hotline and tells the operator to issue an urgent cell phone alert in the area. The operator authenticates the parent and sends out large numbers of text...

by keeping Coughlin

Mara could have avoided the possibility by keeping Coughlin. Instead, the Giants promoted offensive coordinator Ben McAdoo and kept all of Coughlin’s assistants. Apparently, one of the reasons Coughlin turned down the Eagles is that he couldn’t bring any of his assistants from the Giants and didn’t want to...