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Mountains were overrun with caribouCaribou herds disappeared from Yukon mountains over 100 years ago. When the ice patches began to melt, the scientists found caribou dung lots of it verifying stories from elders that the mountain once moved with caribou. first, scientists started collecting the dung. Soon, they also...
Lin was similarly underestimated. He led his high school team to a state championship, but was ignored by every Division I college team except Harvard. He was cut by two NBA teams and could barely get on the floor in practice, until the injury riddled Knicks handed him the...
Disney (NYSE:DIS) inked a deal back in June with DraftKings to be the only fantasy sports site allowed to advertise on ESPN (which Disney owns). If you’ve been watching football lately you’ve probably seen about 1000 of these ads. DraftKings announced in September that they would be throwing their...
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