The hamsa, or the swan, is often identified with the Supreme | Bruce Gubnitsky

The hamsa, or the swan, is often identified with the Supreme

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canada goose outlet If she is has an inhaler that mean she has been to the Dr. And he prescribed her some kind of medicine. Without giving a diagnose first.?. Monier Williams translates the term from Sanskrit as “goose, gander, swan cheap canada goose, flamingo, or other aquatic bird of passage”.[1] The word is also used for a mythical or poetical bird with knowledge. In the Rig Veda, it is the bird which is able to separate Soma from water, when mixed; in later Indian literature, the bird separates milk from water when mixed.[1] In Indian philosophical literature, hamsa represents the individual soul or spirit (typified by the pure sunlight white like color of a goose or swan), or the “Universal Soul or Supreme Spirit”.[1]The word Hamsa is cognate with Latin “(h)anser”, Greek “”, German “Gans” canada goose outlet, English “goose”, Spanish “ganso” and Russian “”.[4] However, Henry Milman and others state that some early translators were misled by the closeness of the word Hamsa to Gans, and this is likely an incorrect link.[5]Swan or goose controversy[edit]Jean Vogel, in 1952, questioned if hamsa is indeed swan, because according to Dutch ornithologists GC Junge and ED van Oort he consulted, swans were rare in modern India while the Indian Goose (Anser indicus) were common.[6] According to Vogel, Western and Indian scholars may have preferred translating hamsa in Sanskrit text as swan because the indigenous goose appears plump while the swan (and, Vogel adds, the flamingo) appears more graceful.[6]Paul Johnsgard, in 2010, has stated that mute swan (Cygnus Olor) do migrate to northwestern Himalayan region of India every winter, migrating some 1000 miles each way.[7] Similarly, the British ornithologist Peter Scott, in his Key to the Wildfowl of the World, states that northwestern India is one of the winter migration homes for mute swan, the others being Korea and Black Sea.[8] Grewal, Harvey and Pfister, in 2003, identified large swaths of northwestern India and northeastern Pakistan particularly Kashmir and parts of south Pakistan as winter habitats of mute swans.[9]The Sanskrit and Pali languages, both have alternate words for goose such as Jalapada, Dhamara, Cakragki, Majjugamana, Shvetagaruta and others.[10][11]Dave states that the hymns of Rigveda, and verses in Hindu Epics and Puranas mention a variety of birds with the root of hamsa (), such as Maha hamsa, Raj hamsa, Kal hamsa and others, most of which relate to various species of swans particularly mute swan, while some refer to geese.[12] Dave’s identification is based on the details provided in the Sanskrit texts about the changes in plumage over the bird’s life, described voice, migratory habits, courtship rituals and flying patterns.[12] Some Sanskrit texts, states Dave, distinguish between Hamsa and Kadamb, the former being swan and latter as bar headed goose.[12]However, the earliest art in India, up until the early colonial period, does not depict swans, but rather birds that resemble the Anser indicus. Hence, the birds painted at the Ajanta Caves in the depiction of the Hamsa Jataka resemble the Anser indicus,[13] which are famous for their yearly migration into the Himalayas.The hamsa, or the swan, is often identified with the Supreme Spirit, Ultimate Reality or Brahman in Hinduism.[2] The flight of the hamsa symbolizes moksha, the release from the cycle of samsara.[14][15]The hamsa is also the vahana of Saraswati the goddess of knowledge and creative arts, and her husband Brahma the god with powers of creation, in Hindu trinity.[3][14]Lake Manasarovar in Hindu mythology, is seen as the summer abode of the hamsa. canada goose outlet

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